Thrifty Motorists?
Consultants have told the Executive that removing the £1 charge for cars on the Forth road bridge it could extend the morning peak by an hour to at least 10am. They say it would increase leisure trips during peak hours by up to 30 per cent. The Forth Estuary Transport Authority has already warned ministers of a likely 21 per cent increase in traffic if tolls are removed from the Forth Road Bridge - which is already carrying more than twice its design capacity. All this comes days after MSPs voted to abolish tolls on the Forth and Tay bridges. Legislation is due to be introduced in September, with the measure to be implemented by the end of the year.
How so? Who are there really people driving miles out of their way to avoid the £1 toll?
You'd think the added delays would put people off more than the £1 charge.
But why added delays? Are thousands of motorists not currently using the bridge because of the £1 toll?
I would pay for convenience any day, time is money, after all!
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