Friday, November 16, 2007

This Little Britain - Harry Bingham

This Little Britain, Harry Bingham's book is brilliant and not just because his essays within each chapter are the prefect length for a bedtime read. It's described by the publisher (4th Estate) as "Celebratory, witty and incredibly insightful", for once the book lives up to the blurb. Yes but what's it about? Well, it's not about the TV series, which I'm probably one of the few people in Britain, under the age of 65, who doesn't find it funny. It "explores the eccentricities and customs of the British nation in a bid to answer a question - who we are." But much more than that it is a super history lesson on all sorts of cultural and historical backwaters as well as BIG topics including slavery for example. By exploring language, literature, law, war, science, economics, empire, and lifestyle Harry proves, at least to my satisfaction, why Britain is such an important nation.

There is none of rhetoric that Gordon Brown's fond of spouting on Britain, it is far too factual. And while Harry does poke fun at some of the things that we’ve done or been involved in as a nation he does it with a light touch and doesn't get involved in revisionist ranting. The underlying theme of the book is exceptionalism, that is to say how Britain is different from the rest of the world; not for the sake of being different- but just ‘cos we are.

I'm a great fan of quirky and ‘This Little Britain’ delvers in spades, however, don't think for one minute that you won't learn a lot from a few nights in bed with Harry Bingham.


Harry Bingham said...

Thanks indeed for a lovely review, Richard. And who knows? I might just learn a lot from a few nights in bed with you ...

r morris said...

Sounds like a great book, Richard. I'm going to pick up a copy. For such a small nation, England has been a tremendous influence on Western Civilization. And how could I say otherwise, as an American? I look forward to reading the book.

jams o donnell said...

Make that two of us, I didn't think much of Little Britain either.

Hmm as you and Mr Bingham will be in bed I will just have to learn something by buying the book!!

I like my history warts and all but I don't like it with a hair shirt

Richard Havers said...

No, no, that's all over I've finished the book!

Seriously Jams it's a great read if you like a quirky insight into history. Even if you don't it's fascinating.

Wolfie said...

This sounds like a fantastic book, just the kind of thing I enjoy.

Thanks for the tip.

Richard Havers said...

Wolfie, you'll not be disappointed.