Sunday, November 04, 2007

Music & Marketing

According to reports in the paper Amy Macdonald's single 'LA' has been condemned by critics as "completely forgettable" and "yawnsome". It charted at a lowly 48, and the dejected 20-year-old Glaswegian singer has conceded they were right, even "pouring her heart out in a blog". I went to itunes for a listen and they're right. In the same report it says 'Macdonald's 'Road To Home' is the official song of Glasgow's bid to host the 2014 Commonwealth Games and she recently agreed to act as an ambassador for VisitScotland to promote her home country to audiences around the world.'

I'm sure she'll be a great ambassador and that she's a lovely girl but the 'Road To Home ' is even worse than 'LA'. It's what happens somehow when marketing people get their hands on songs and confuse their issue.

1 comment:

r morris said...

Is the song L-A as in Los Angeles or LA as in La-di-dah?
Never heard of it either way.