Saturday, July 05, 2008

Barn Owl Nest Box Design...

Mrs H, who is fast becoming an expert on all things barn owl, is in a state of high dudgeon this morning. Apparently she got the design for our owl box from the Barn Owl Trust and now they are saying that it's been withdrawn because it is not a good design, which is what has been causing the owlets to fall out. According to the Lammermuir Hills leading expert on barn owls, "Seventy five per cent of the deaths of baby owls falling out f the nest is caused by this faulty design." Never fear, she has a cunning plan involving putting up an under-platform and a branch for them to climb back up. This will take pace after they've vacated the nest to avoid any injury from a swooping adult owl.


r morris said...

Glad you and Mrs. H have traced the likely cause of the owlets falling out of the nest box. Sounds like next year, all will be well at the Havers Owl Sanctuary.
YOu mentioned several babies still alive? That still the case?

Anonymous said...

Rob, there is definitely one we saw it this morning. Hopefully there are two, difficult to tell.

r morris said...

Great! I'm sending positive thoughts to the little guy/girl.

Anonymous said...

I assume with your DIY Skills Mrs H. will be doing the necessary !!
Enjoying the trials and tribulations of the new additions to your wildlife family.

Richard Havers said...

Don't be daft Sue, we'll get a man in....