Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Camera Withstands Weeks on Borders Hillside

Last year when Bill Wyman came to the Borders for a couple of nights at the Eastgate theatre in Peebles we went metal detecting on a beautiful autumnal day. We found nothing of any interest but it didn't really matter that much as just spending time in the hills south of Peebles was so lovely. Unfortunately I lost something - my camera. I had taken some pictures, as we sat having lunch, then put my camera on the bonnet of the Landrover; I left it there when I drove off. Weeks later my friend David, on whose land we were detecting, called to say it had been found on the hillside. I picked up the camera when we went over to Peebles in Monday and this is one of the photographs that came out of the Minolta Dimage - it stills works perfectly.


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a similar story when your mother left her glasses on the bonnet of her car and drove off.....sadly they were never found....must run in the family

Anonymous said...

That happened to me too, Anonymous... Perhaps we're from the same branch of the family Anonymous.

jmb said...

Isn't that amazing? Lovely sunny day there too.
I suppose you bought a new one in the meantime.

Richard Havers said...

JMB, of course you're right, and the old one is better!

Richard Havers said...

ah the anonymous family, at least the rest of us haven't lost our names. :)