Monday, January 07, 2008

Politics is a Weird Business

Today on the BBC there's news of the Brownstuff getting to grips with the NHS. The piece is accompanied by some recent footage of the PM and his wife being shown around a hospital. Why does he take his wife with him? It's a weird trend that some politicians seem to think that this is perfectly normal behaviour. Would the head of a multinational take his wife along with him to meetings?


James Higham said...

Yes, why would he take his wife to hospital? What's he done to her?

Ellee Seymour said...

Maybe he feels he is royalty. Does she walk by his side or behind him?

Richard Havers said...

Behind, naturally :)

Huttonian said...

Wives used to walk in front in Afghanistan-to clear the mines, apparently. And in our NHS hospitals are a bit of a minefild.

Richard Havers said...

Depends which NHS hospital you choose to go to, because from now on according to the Great Brown Chief we have infinite choice in the matter.

r morris said...

Isn't 'weird' and 'politician' a given?

As some US pundit said, modern politics was created so that nerds can get laid, too. (How else could Karl Rove be sexy?) Where do we find these people, and why do we elect them?

r morris said...

An article in the paper today said that in the United States, those that follow politics make up about 20% of the population. These 20% are so hard-core that the completely turn off the other 80%.
Count me in the 80%.