Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm a Bit Slow....

......this morning. We went over into the land of the rich and famous (East Lothian to the rest of you) last night for dinner with our friends Barbara and Michael, it was their 25th wedding anniversary. As it was such a warm and beautiful day yesterday the mist was rising as the sun was setting.
Coming back Christine had to drive on account of my having had at least one too many glasses of red wine. She did a great job as it was foggy all the way back. The one downside with living in the Scottish Borders is the fact that going out for dinner is a challenge. It's almost always a long drive. Still with views on the way there like this it makes it all worthwhile. This is the Whiteadder Water, about 6 miles north of us. It's pronounced Whit-adder rather than White-adder!

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